Friday, July 26, 2013

CelticMommy-- A Work in Progress

Blogger tells me that this is my 300th post!!  Woo Hoo!  Honestly though, I knew the big 3-0-0 was looming and wondered if I should do something for this personal milestone.  And decided in typical me fashion to do something that made sense to me.  I sipped tea, snapped a pic, and sat to type.

This is me, CelticMommy.  I am a Work in Progress.  I still don't know where this blog is headed and I'm okay with that.  I can't honestly imagine setting in stone what this space will ever be or become.  It evolves as I evolve.  So, thank you for reading along with me these past six years and I hope you continue to stay.

Happy Friday!
Love, Hettie

My latest Work in Progress, Ro's blanket.