Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Crafty Work in Progress

Utterly not ready... but still, it is a craft in progress.

I always try to have many tests of many kinds before I put a tutorial up, so I thought I would show you one of our first mom & kiddo attempts.  We all learn and improve from our trials and errors, right?  Right!

So, what is it?  Right now, it's just an idea stemming from another idea I saw about using glue to create raised surfaces.  The materials used are recycled USPS boxes (see the fold edges?), glue, acrylic paint and shoe polish.  When I am done and the tutorial is up, I will probably have omitted the shoe polish for glitter or luster dust.  While the shoe polish is effective, it is pretty smelly!  We'll see...

Not much for today as I going back and forth between an unhappy sick kiddo, the kitchen and the computer.  More tomorrow I hope.

Happy Tuesday,