Monday, November 19, 2007


Lots of Thanksgiving and Christmas preparations going on.

Polishing my great-grandmother's candlesticks. They haven't been this clean in about 30 years! (Left is the almost done "after" picture.) Cleaned the chemical free way. I also clean my hubby's grandmothers' silver leaf dishes to use at Thanksgiving... I think his family will be surprised to see them.

Here's a few pics of Rob making these two foot tall Christmas trees. Each tree is made from a floral wreath holder and 300 white or green lights. Eventually he wants to be one of those crazy families who have their own radio station with synchronized music that the lights turn on and off to... I think it's a bit much. We try to find a happy medium between our two styles. And, as long as he doesn't make the house light up like National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, I'll be okay with it.

Lastly, we have a bit of normal life. Fun brotherly drawing. Each day brings new artistic renderings for proud display on the fridge. Ro is really enjoying using his hands and they both still seem to be ambidextrous... switching from left to right randomly... never really using both at the same time. Fine with me.
Next recipe up will be Mary's Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies... cakey cookies that are highly addictive!